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Share Our Strength Rebrand Launch

Our Story is Our Strength Campaign

In September 2023 we were brought on to translate the legacy non-profit’s Share Our Strength rebrand campaign into a video.

We were brought on as story-telling experts to bring a collection of decks, design elements and the plethora of advertising materials throughout the years since their founding in 1984 and usher in their new brand messaging and identity.

Tantrum Agency partnered with us to take their 3 years of research work and make this piece to be presented in front of the Congressional Black Congress in 2023.

featured project


featured project 〰️

connect. create. convert.

Serving businesses by providing creative services in one place, freeing marketing directors from freelancer management and content planning. Our services seamlessly generate real social media conversion, enabling teams to focus on real priorities.

Our Work

Our Most Popular Service

video production

meet Lauren cox

We produced and post-produced this campaign for Medtronic Diabetes and the WNBA. We sat down with Rob Howe, the host of Diabetics Doing Things to interview #2 WNBA Draft pick Lauren Cox and share her story in being the first WNBA player with Diabetes.

david tann - boys & girls clubs of america

Agency owner, writer and speaker David Tann hired us to capture his keynote speech event and show how he’s impacting the youth, one city at a time.

pax & beneficia -
Coffee & discourse

We were asked to create a video highlighting their initiative to sit down with loved ones to talk about hard subjects in the midst of COVID-19 and the election year.

wellhealth discussions

We produced and post-produced a series for the chain of wholistic medicine offices “Wellhealth” all about answering the questions everyone wants to know, directly from the medical professionals! This series highlights our ability to create effective interview styled content for your business marketing needs.

Our Services

A content creation agency should do it all. So we do.

Book a single service or create a package based on your project needs. Click on the drop-downs to learn more.

  • Content is dead without purpose. In this world where everyone is putting out content - it’s essential for your business to have an effective strategy to stand out from the crowd.

  • Our most popular service, creating video content for any & all platforms. Finding the balance between telling the story of your brand and optimizing for platform algorithms is what we do best. No sacrificing quality for “virality” - a perfect blend of both.

  • Our team of photographers will ensure you get the highest quality images for your social media, website, printed products & anything else you might need

  • We can design any digital asset for your business needs. Our team of designers range in many industries and can create your niche-specific graphics for any application.

  • Don’t have an internal marketing team? No worries. Let us take over the social media side of marketing. This when packaged with content creation gives you the marketing team you didn’t know you needed.

We keep good company.

the advantages of outsourcing your creative with us

  • Tired of managing a rag-tag team of freelancers? We know. Contact one person to keep track of every creative project in your marketing plan.

  • Gone are the days of independently invoicing your graphic designer from Norway, animator in India and photographer in New York. Make one monthly payment to one business, save the accounting hassle.

  • No AI batch creative over here. We work with you side-by-side to not only create the best looking creative, but to strategize with you to nail your go-to-market content.

  • Your in-house marketing team isn’t a creative team… save hours of training and personal work learning how to create content and trust in us to fit right in and create content that amplifies your brand.

  • Sick of aimlessly posting on social media? With us you’re no longer shooting in the dark with your creative elements. We create content that converts.

don’t take it from us…

Ready to talk?

Let’s schedule our first call to talk about how we can work together to amplify your brand & multiply your revenue: